Shoji UEDA (1913-2000)
Born in Tottori. Ueda got interested in photography at the age of 15. In
1932 studied at the Oriental School of Photography in Tokyo for 3 months.
After finishing the course at the age of 19, opened his own studio in Tottori.
Since then Ueda began to gain popularity as his photographs were
repeatedly selected for publication in photo magazines and displayed in
exhibitions. His favorite and most successful works were pictures of groups
of people. They are known as "Ueda-cho" and are highly appreciated
in the world. In 1954 he won the Nika Prize, and in 1958 his works wer
e selected by Edward Steichen for an exhibition at the Museum of Modern
Art, New York. In 1982 his work was selected for display at Germany's Photokina
Exhibition.In 1995, Shoji Ueda's Museum of Photography was founded in Kishimoto-cho
(now Houki-cho). In 1996 he was awarded a Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres
by the goverment of France.