Man RAY ( 1890 - 1976
Born Emmanuel Radnitzky in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A..
He came to introduce himself as Man Ray in around 1915. He quit becoming an
architect, and started studying painting at the Ferrer center in 1912. He had
his first solo show of paintings and drawings, and got acquainted with Marcel
Duchamp in 1915. He became influenced by European Dada, and teamed up with
Duchamp to publish the one issue of New York Dada in 1920, but he soon declared,
"Dada cannot live in New York", and he moved to Paris in 1921. He soon began to
take artists' portraits such as Jean Cocteau, James Joyce, Gertrude Stein. Then
he came to be known as "Photographer". He created a technique using photograms
he called rayographs, and also reinvented the photographic technique of
solarization with Lee Miller who was his assistant and lover. Man Ray directed a
number of influential avant-garde short films, and produced many oil paintings,
prints and objects.