One-day special feature exhibition/
Uchima Ansei and Kimura Risaburo

Schedule: July. 17 [Wed.] 2024 11:00 - 19:00

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We will have a special distribution of nine woodblock prints from Uchima Ansei's Forest Byobu series and nine silkscreens and lithographs by Kimura Risaburo.

Uchima was born 1921 in Stockton, California. In 1940, he went to Tokyo to study architecture at Waseda University. After the war, Uchima met the sosaku hanga artist Onchi Koshiro, and began to venture into abstract woodblock printing. He held his first solo exhibition at Yoseido Gallery (Tokyo) in 1955. In 1959, he relocated to New York, where he received twice a Guggenheim Fellowship for print artists (1962 and 1970). Uchima taught at Sarah Lawrence College, and held a position as an adjunct professor of printmaking at Columbia University. He died in 2000, aged 79.

Uchima, who had his roots both in Japan and the United States, is known to have advanced traditional techniques derived from ukiyo-e printmaking into what he called “weaves of colors.” This approach was used for his series Forest Byobu where he layered 45 color plates to create one print. The vivid colors, delicate gradations and dense layering of these works exude a refined sense of harmony. Uchima’s prints are full of a fresh and modern sensibility, contributing to their lasting appeal. Major collections holding his works are the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum, the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum.

Risaburo KIMURA
Born in Kanagawa Prefecture and attended Kanagawa Instructor's School (now Yokohama National University) and Hosei University Department of Philosophy. While at Hosei University, after learning from Tetsuzo TANIKAWA, KIMURA decided to become an art critic, but changed paths to being an painter. As his relationship with Teijiro KUBO deepened and as he made aqcuaintaince with artists like Q Ei, Ay-O, and Masuo IKEDA, he participated in the sozo biiku movement led by KUBO.

Crossed to the United States in 1964. Established an atelier in Manhattan, New York. and started to focus on a variety of work, particularly silkscreens, on the theme "construction and decay of a city". With series like "THE NEW YORK TIMES", with a newspaper motif, and "City", abstract and symbolic images of cities, KIMURA displayed his works at print exhibitions across the country. He passed away in New York in 2014.