The 19th Exhibition of Q Ei
"Q Ei and 8 painters of his
Feb. 6 Fri. - 28 Sat. 2009
TUE.-SAT. 12:00-19:00
Q Ei who created oil paintings, prints, collages and photograms named "Photo
Dessin" is a representative abstract artist in Japan. We are exhibiting
21 works of Q Ei and 8 other painters of his period as follows.
The purpose of this
exhibition is to give cedit to their works and reassess their value.
: Q Ei ( 1911-1960 ), Tatsuoki NAMBATA ( 1905-1997 ), Toshinobu ONOSATO (
1912-1986 ), Makoto MIKAMI ( 1919-1972 ), Yoshio MORI ( 1908-1997 ), Masanari
MURAI ( 1905-1999 ), Shunsuke MATSUMOTO (1912-1948 ), Saburo HASEGAWA (1906-1957
), Coshun YAMADA ( 1912-1981 )
Q Ei (1911-1960)
Born in 1911 in Miyazaki prefecture. His real name was Hideo Sugita. Q
Ei wrote criticism for art magazines (ex."Atelier""Mizue")
since he was 15 years old. In 1936 published the portfolio of Photo Dessin
"Reason of Sleep".
Joined the establishment of the
Association of the Artists of Liberty in 1937. Founded the Demokrato Artists
Association in 1951. He had a big impact on young artists such as Ay-o, Masuo
Ikeda, Yukihisa Isobe, On Kawara, Eikoh Hosoe. He created his own style in
painting and prints, especially in "Photo Dessin".