Reliure Exhibition A predilection for a book -Convertors of a text-
Nov. 8 Tue. - Nov. 19 Sat. 2016
We are pleased to present an exhibition of the bookbinding group Les fragments de M (frgm).
frgm is a collaboration of three bookbinders and one foil gilder. They began their activity in October 2011 with the goal of introducing reliure as an accessible art form to a wider audience. They are made up of Mari HATANO, Fumiko ICHIDA, Madoka TAIRA, and Minako NAKAMURA.
“Reliure” is the French word for “bookbinding.” Its meaning includes the mechanical binding of those standard books sold in stores, but it also carries the strong connotation of craftsmanship, or binding as art. Book lovers commission these craftsworkers to bind works from their own libraries, creating a volume that is utterly unique (for instance, by using goat leather or calf leather and adding other decorations to its design).
This exhibition will display 35 works by the members of frgm.
Three times a month, frgm contributes an essay to Toki-no-Wasuremono`s blog (Reliure A predilection for a book; Japanese only)
■羽田野麻吏 Mari HATANO
HATANO studied book binding at the Kumiko Tochiori Workshop ecole program. In 2003 she became the main artist at Atelier Corylus, where she also teaches reliure classes.
Her individual exhibitions include "le greal" I・II・III; an exhibition at bookstore Keiyudo; "dix mesangettes 10 secret box for a hen’s poetry" clement salon*. She has participated in the 6th ARA International Bookbinding Art Forum; has won the Golden Book award at Estonia’s International Bookbinding Exhibition; was one of the 42 books exhibited at Concours Pointe de Paris in 2005; and participated in the 2006 Double Bush Binding Aus/France/Japan traveling exhibition.
■市田文子 Fumiko ICHIDA
ICHIDA studied bookbinding and book conservation at U.C.A.D. (Paris Bookbinding Craft School) and Le Vesinet Bookbinding Academy. In 2002 she opened Atelier ALDE, where she takes bookbinding commissions and offers workshops and classes.
Her individual exhibits include "The creation of books- Texte, Corps d'ouvrage, Structure" at GALLERY Kitanozaka in 2007. She published a limited edition book, "Chuya Nakamura Poem Anthology" through Atelier ALDE as part of the exhibit "binding chuya nakamura – reliure that connects with text". She was one of the 100 artists selected in both of the Italian International Reliure Exhibitions, "L’Infinito""100 Artisans"and “Il Cantico delle Creature""100 Artisans", and she participated in the 2006 Double Bush Binding Aus/France/Japan traveling exhibition.
■平まどか Madoka TAIRA
TAIRA graduated from La Cambre Institute of Visual Arts with a degree in bookbinding and gilding in 2000 and remained through 2001 conducting research in the paper materials section of the conservation department. Today, she lectures for the Reliure Workshop at Ikebukuro Community College and supervises the bookbinding classes at her personal workshop.
Her individual exhibits include "Madoka Taira Exposition ~Reliure d’art-" at Morioka Bookstore. She participated in the Belgium French-sphere Government Collection in 1999; the group exhibit 「Neuf Ecoles des Arts du livre exposent leurs reliures」which toured four European countries in 2001; the Double Bush Binding Aus/France/Japan traveling exhibition in 2006; and the UK Designer Bookbinders International Convention in 2009.
■中村美奈子 Minako NAKAMURA
NAKAMURA learned bookbinding and gilding at U.C.A.D. (Paris Bookbinding Craft School) and conducted a focused study of gilding at Le Vesinet Bookbinding Academy, after which she returned to Japan. Since 2006, she has been taking commissions as a specialist in gold plating and foil gilding.