Fluxus, now spread around
the world, is a group that began as a network of friends and acquantainces of the Lithuanian designer George Maciunas
when he thought to bring together those not bound to exisiting modes
of expression. The time of its inception, the 1960s, saw a growth of
economic luxury centered on the USA and Europe and a boom in
capitalist culture. Although the group had no set rules, they took a
general philosophy of "anyone can be an artist, anything can become
art", and the idea of "finding art in the banal" was counter to the
high art and fine art of the time. Maciunas wrote up a Fluxus
manifesto but did not require any artist to sign it. As a result,
though there were no particular rules, the lack of a strict order
allowed them to avoid fissures in the group. Fluxus' activity began
in 1962 with the FLUXUS FESTIVAL in Wiesdbaden, and has swept up
many artists ever since.
John Cage's influence on Fluxus has been particularly large, and
many of the students from his New School, such as Ichiyanagi Toshi,
became involved with Fluxus. Cage's most well-known work, "4'33"",
is a score which only consists of "tacet", directing silence. This
work has been performed at Fluxus concerts. (Text by ICHIKAWA Ayana)
Fluxus related artists: AKIYAMA Kuniharu, Dietrich ALBRECHT, Eric ANDERSEN, Ay-O , Joseph BEUYS, George BRECHT, John CAGE, Henning CHRISTIANSEN, Philip CORNER, Merce CUNNINGHAM, Willem de RIDDER, Francois DUFRENE, Robert FILLIOU, Albert FINE, Ian Hamilton FINLAY, Henry FLYNT, Ken FRIEDMAN, Al HANSEN, Bici HENDRICKS, Geoffrey HENDRICKS, Dick HIGGINS, Hi-red Center, Alice HUTCHINS, ICHIYANAGI Toshi, IZUMI Tatsu, Ray JOHNSON, Jo JONES, Allan KAPROW, Per KIRKEBY, Bengt af KLINTBERG, Milan KNIZAK, Alison KNOWLES, Arthur KOEPCKE, KOSUGI Takehisa, KUBOTA Shigeko, Fredric LIEBERMAN, Gyorgy LIGETI, George MACIUNAS , Jackson MAC LOW, Jonas MEKAS, Larry MILLER, Peter MOORE, Charlotte MOORMAN, Claes OLDENBURG, Yoko ONO, Robin PAGE, Nam June PAIK, Ben PATTERSON, James RIDDELL, Terry RILEY, Dieter ROTH, Jerome ROTHENBERG, SAITO Takako, Tomas SCHMIT, Sara SEAGULL, Paul SHARITS, SHIOMI Mieko, Daniel SPOERRI, TONE Yasunao, Roland TOPOR, Ben VAUTIER, Wolf VOSTELL, WADA Yoshimasa, Robert WATTS, Emmett WILLIAMS, La Monte YOUNGq
![]() 2022 SHIOMI Mieko + FLUXUS 9/2~9/17 ![]() 2021 Illustrated Book - Toki-no-Wasuremono Original Prints Exhibition 1/6~31/23 2020 Jonas Mekas Exhibition 8/28~9/12 2019年 ◆ART TAIPEI 2019 10/18~310/21 ◆ART OSAKA 2019 7/6~37/7 In memoriam・Jonas Mekas Films Screening 2/5~2/9 2017 Weekly Special Collection: Nam June PAIK and MOON Seung-Keun 8/18~8/19 ◆ART on paper 3/2~3/5 2016 ◆KIAF 2016/ART SEOUL 10/12~10/16 ◆ART STAGE JAKARTA 8/5~8/7 ◆ART BUSAN2016 5/20~5/23 ◆Art Stage Singapore 1/21~1/24 2015 ◆KIAF/2015 10/7~10/11 2014 ◆KIAF 2014 9/24~9/29 ◆ART OSAKA 2014 7/11~7/13 2013 Jonas MEKAS and his time Exhibition 12/18~12/28 2012 ◆ART NAGOYA 2012 Jonas Mekas Exhibition Celebrating publication of "Jonas Mekas: Notes, Dialogues, Films" 12/6~12/8 8/4~8/5 ◆ART OSAKA 2012 7/7~7/8 SALE Ay-O, Q Ei, ONOSATO and artists of "DEMOKRATO". 3/17~3/18 Jonas MEKAS Photo Exhibition 2/10~2/25 WEB Exhibition Ay-O Exhibition 2/1~2/29 2010年 ◆KunStart 10 3/5~3/7 WEB Exhibition Jonas Mekas Exhibition 3/16~4/15 WEB Exhibition Ay-O Exhibition 4/15~5/16 2009年 ◆Daegu Art Fair 2009 11/25~11/29 ◆KUNST 09 ZURICH 11/13~11/16 Jonas Mekas' New Photo Works 9/1~9/19 2008年 ◆ART OSAKA 2009 8/21~8/23 2007年 ◆ART in DOJIMA/OSAKA2007 7/20~7/22 2005年 Jonas Mekas Exhibition 10/14~29 2004年 Jonas Mekas Exhibition 2002年 Jonas Mekas Photo Exhibition― He stands in the desert counting the seconds of his life 4/ 19~5/25 Jonas Mekas Exhibition- Prints and Photographs 3/1~3/16
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